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IoT Reading App
Visual Identity / App Design
An app for readers of all types for easy reading and bookmarking.

Lucent is a reading app that partially acts as a digital bookmark, which connects to smart reading glasses to allow for easy reading and documentation. The app is made with features to help those that have difficulty with reading as well as document specific details on reading progress. As reading is a relatively relaxing activity, the app interface uses colors that aren't too particularly harsh on the eyes to evoke a calm and sophisticated feeling.

Mobile App
Visual Identity
App Design
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User Personas

Two personas were created that split the target audience into two simple groups with different wants in reading. The first persona is an avid reader who tends to forget her place when reading, and the second persona is a casual reader that dislikes reading in silence.

Simple Flows

The general flow of the app is rather simple and straightforward, with no hurdles to get to where users want to be. Users can access the books they've read through the reading log and be able to see specific details of their last reading session as well as the progress on the book.

User Flows

The app interface is rather simple and straightforward, which is best reflected in the app flow. Users can access the books they've read through the reading log and be able to see specific details of their last reading session as well as the progress on the book.


The more tab includes a few different things users can access. One of which is the device tab, which users can alternatively use to connect their smart reading glasses.

Reading Features

When it comes to actual reading, the app includes various features that would be useful to adjust, from the text size to a line indicator and even an audio player.

Reading Features

When it comes to actual reading, the app includes various features that would prove useful to adjust for reading—from the text size to a line indicator and even an audio player.

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